Our friends, the Noltas, made a trip to Liberia this summer. They made a few upgrades and repairs at the orphanage, as well as ordering and purchasing several school desks. We hope you enjoy the pictures of a furniture company delivering the desks.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Our friends, the Noltas, made a trip to Liberia this summer. They made a few upgrades and repairs at the orphanage, as well as ordering and purchasing several school desks. We hope you enjoy the pictures of a furniture company delivering the desks.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Birthing Kits for Women in Uganda

Jeremy and Kamina are expecting their first child in mid-May. After traveling to Africa 4 times in the last 2 years Kamina had met, seen, and prayed for the women of the countries she visited. Ever since finding out she was pregnant Kamina has thought even more about the women in Africa and how they have little to no access to the basic resources they need to safely grow, deliver, and raise a child. Often times they are hungry and have no food. Thirsty and have no water. In labor and have no sterile supplies or a safe place to deliver their baby. This calling on her heart translated into a vision. Instead of the usual American style "baby shower" with a mile long registry and pile of gifts, why not shower the women in Africa with the basics to safely deliver their child? Kamina and Jeremy are having a party on February 28th at their new house in Fort Collins and inviting friends and family to celebrate the coming of their child. They are asking guests to bring diapers or wipes, and in lieu of other gifts asking for donations to purchase birthing kits for women in Uganda. Why shower one mother with a pile of goodies when we can shower many women in Africa with the blessing of a safe birth of their child? Will you join us in changing the lives of others?
Birthing Kit Contents and Cost:
The birthing kits will be purchased in Uganda and include gauze, cotton, razor blades, tetracycline eye ointment, gloves, umbilical cord tie, soap, pamphlets, polythene sheeting, and a polythene bag for records. Each kit will cost $10. All donations are tax deductible.
Online donations will be accepted through Compassionate Impact International. You can make your online donation before, during, or after the party. Please enter "Birthing Kits" into the text box that reads "Enter a description below of how you would like your donation used." Donations will be accepted through March 1, 2010.
Because Every Mother Matters - Steffany Boster is sponsoring this event and project. Steffany is providing pictures, information, advice, and pamphlets to help spread the word about how simple birthing kits can save the lives of both mothers and babies in Uganda, Africa.
Compassionate Impact International is a 501c3 in Loveland, CO that has offered to help collect the money via their online donation page then transfer to Jeff and Katie Borchert in Uganda.
Bridestone Missionaries, Jeff and Katie Borchert live in Uganda for half of each year. They have partnered with us in this effort and are willing to order the birthing kits and then distribute them to under-resourced clinics in the "bush" that help deliver babies.
Pictures from the Party!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Soccer Balls for Liberia

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The kids are in!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friends for Africa

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Undies for Orphans
Brant Dixon in Winston-Salem, NC is traveling to Liberia to meet his new brothers at Addy's Hope later this month and he hopes to take hundreds of pairs of underwear with him!
On Monday, July 13, Brant sent out an all-points bulletin to family and friends seeking donations of new kids underwear. Challenged by his brother, Jay, who in September, went without his usual birthday presents and instead asked party guests to bring tee-shirts and underwear for the Addy's Hope kids, Brant decided to see what he could do!!
Support and encouragement are pouring in to B's email inbox---and so are the undies! He collected 218 pairs on Tuesday alone---and he's just getting started!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wind in our sails
10 people are going to be headed to Liberia in a month to do the rest of the work on the building so that the children can move in! The Lord has provided the $6,000 needed to finish this project! Thank you so much to everyone who has prayed, donated, and supported this project.

After weathering the storm in Liberia we need some wind in our sails to finish this project. We ended up having to pay around $6,000 in unexpected duty and inspection fees on our shipping container (very long story). We also lost about 1.5 weeks of work with the container being held up.
We need to raise $6,000 to complete the orphanage and school. This money will be used for interior walls, a gate, barb wire, and other miscellaneous costs. On this trip the interior walls, solar power system, water system, desks, beds, and shelves will be done, which will allow the children to move to the new facility.
If you have any ideas on how to raise the money or are feeling led to help out please let us know. Please send checks made out to "Addy's Hope" to:
Jeremy and Kami Johnson
5925 Lake View Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526
We are 100% fundraised!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Quilts, curtains, and backpacks....OH MY!

Finished curtains
Quilts to add color to the walls
Orphan Bookmarks
An orphan living near Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa decorated this bookmark. Feel free to put this in your favorite book or give to a friend as a constant reminder of the children of Liberia.
Threads of Hope Bracelets/Necklaces

Friday, May 1, 2009
Hopeful Cards
I wanted to continue helping the orphans and people of Liberia so my mom and I brainstormed and came up with the idea of making and selling handmade cards to raise money for Liberia. I asked my sister and my 2 friends and they quickly agreed to help! The money from the sale of the cards is going to Addy's Hope Orphanage and Orphanage Project Liberia! We are selling a pack of 6 assorted cards for $5 and there is a small fee for shipping that depends on how many packs you buy! If you would like to order a pack of cards please email us at hopefulcards@yahoo.com and tell your family and friends about this opportunity to reach the orphans of Liberia!

Here are some great pictures of these gorgeous cards!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
LIFE Church Kids send gifts to Liberia
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sharing the story
Here is a slideshow of pictures from that night (thanks Todd for taking them!). Kami ran the slideshow while Jeremy spoke. It was a really fun night.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Vision is now REALITY

The progress is that the exterior walls, roof, bathrooms (one boys and one girls restrooms with two toilets each and a sink for each), kitchen floor, and well are completed. The fence is mostly done, but we do not have a gate. The other items left to start/complete include electrical, plumbing, install 9 windows, install an exterior door, desks, chairs, book shelves, kitchen roof, kitchen shelves, beds, interior walls for bedrooms, interior walls for class rooms, ceiling.
Here is a slideshow of all the construction pictures!

Here is a picture of the construction crew.
Back row:
David Tyler from Pennsylania
Jeff Nolta from Washington
Laura Olderog from Arizona
Matt Harman from Pennsylania
Teresa Wegner from Colorado
Kamina Johnson from Colorado
Front row:
Randy Decker from Pennsylania
Eric Lews from Pennsylania
Jeremy Johnson from Colorado
Click here for a great newspaper article about the 4 men who were on the team that traveled from Pennsylvania!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Project update!
If you would like to receive email updates while they are on their trip send an email to Kami at bluecowgirl@yahoo.com with the word "update" in the subject line.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Calvary Baptist Day School - Winston-Salem, NC
Kami was able to give a presentation at Calvary school to show them the pictures from the well and additional water fixtures their fundraised money purchased in Liberia! Enjoy the slideshow!
UPDATE!!! February 27, 2009
God is doing amazing things in Winston-Salem, North Carolina where the Calvary Middle Schoolers ROCKED their well project fundraiser by raising an incredible $3,562.24! This is more than $1000. over goal and will provide for ALL the well materials, drilling, labor costs and now, some terrific upgrades--- including better plumbing and also sink and toilet fixtures for the interior of the new orphanage.
Winners of the HOME BASE RACE-----separated by only a few dollars----
1st Place--Mrs. Tate's 7th grade ($559.73)
2nd Place--Mrs. Taylor's 7th grade ($557.51)
3rd Place--Mrs. Hawk's 7th grade (545.10)
Awesome job! Way to go, Cougars!!! THANK YOU to every one who donated!!!
UPDATE!!! February 19, 2009
WOW! The CBDS Middle School Cougars are on a roll---they've raised over $1000. at the halfway point of the well fundraiser!!
In the Home Base Race, current leaders are:
1st--Mrs. Highsmith's 6th grade with $229.79
2nd--Mrs. Tate's 7th grade with $188.60
3rd--Mr. Tolentino's 8th grade with $151.16*
*Mrs. Morris's and Mrs. Clark's home bases are nippin' at your heels in 4th and 5th places!!!
Keep bringing in CHANGE and any other donations!
UPDATE!!! February 13, 2009
The Calvary Middle School is off to a SUPER-FAST start collecting over $500 for the well in just the first 3 days of the project!!!
Early leaders in the Homebase race to douse Mrs. Lidbom with water balloons-----
1st--Mrs. Highsmith's 6th grade Homebase
2nd--Mrs. Tate's 7th grade Homebase
3rd--Mrs. Clark's 8th grade Homebase
Way to go----KEEP IT UP, COUGARS!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fort Collins High School

Pictures by Micki Thompson, Susan Webering and Nancy Oliveira
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Vitamins for Orphans
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Orphanage Project Liberia featured in California Newspaper

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Container is in route
Thanks to Joe at Crystal Landscape for bringing their equipment down to help load the container.